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Orienta jobs by role: Technologie/ IT

Software Architect - Specialist/Senior Specialist

Orienta Polska
Polska, Śląskie, Poznań - Katowice , ul. Mickiewicza 29 - 40-085 Katowice, Polonia
Technologie/ IT
Katowice , ul. Mickiewicza 29 - 40-085 Katowice, Polonia

Orienta Polska Sp. z o.o. is a company that is part of the international Orienta Group, operating based on an entry in the employment agency register no. 13347. We have thirty years of experience in the Italian labor market, which positions us among the leading companies specializing in human resources management.    Currently, for our client in the automotive industry, we are looking for candidates for the position of:    Software Architect (Specialist/Senior Specialist)    Place of employment: Poznań    Responsibilities:  - Design and develop software architectures for automotive systems, ensuring scalability, reliability, and performance;  - Collaborate with cross-functional teams, including hardware engineers, software developers, and project managers, to define systems requirements and specifications;  - Lead the technical design process, including the creation of architectural diagrams, documentation, and design reviews;  - Working with the process standard ASPICE;  - Evaluate and select appropriate technologies, tools, and frameworks to meet project goals;  - Ensure compliance with industry standards and regulations, including safety and cybersecurity requirements;  - Mentor and guide junior engineers, providing technical leadership and suport;  - Conduct code reviews and ensure adherence to best practices and coding standards.    Requirements:  - Bachelor's or Master's degree in Computer Science, Software Engineering, or a related field;  - Proven experience as a Software Architect, preferably in the automotive industry;  - Strong knowledge of software development methodologies, design patterns, and best practices;  - Proficiency in programming languages such C/C++, Python, or Java; - Knowledge about Cloud Architecture for AWS, Azure, or Google Cloud;  - Skills with the System Architecture AUTOSAR;  - Used to work with agile development tools, like Codebeamer, Jira, Confluence;  - Familiarity with embedded systems and real-time operating systems (RTOS);  - Knowledge of functional safety standards ISO 26262 and cybersecurity;  - Excellent communication in English and Polish and teamwork abilities.    We offer:  - Work in one of the world's biggest automotive corporations;  - Employment under an employment contract;  - Elaborate salary and bonus system;  - Private health care;  - In-house induction scheme;  - Training system adapted to employees' competences;  - Availability of preferential conditions for purchasing cars;  - Eligible for the Employee Pension Scheme.    If you are interested, please send your CV.


Software Developer - Specialist/Senior Specialist

Orienta Polska
Polska, Śląskie, Poznań - Katowice , ul. Mickiewicza 29 - 40-085 Katowice, Polonia
Technologie/ IT
Katowice , ul. Mickiewicza 29 - 40-085 Katowice, Polonia

Orienta Polska Sp. z o.o. is a company that is part of the international Orienta Group, operating based on an entry in the employment agency register no. 13347. We have thirty years of experience in the Italian labor market, which positions us among the leading companies specializing in human resources management.    Currently, for our client in the automotive industry, we are looking for candidates for the position of:    Software Developer (Specialist/Senior Specialist)    Place of employment: Poznań    Responsibilities:  - Design, develop, and maintain software for automotive applications;  - Collaborate with hardware engineers, system architects, and other software developers to create integrated solutions;  - Participate in code reviews and ensure adherence to best practices and coding standards;   - Working with the process standard ASPICE;  - Troubleshoot and resolve software defects and issues;  - Stay up to date with the latest industry trends and technologies to continuously improve our software offerings.    Requirements:  - Bachelor's degree in computer science, Software Engineering, or a related field;  - Proven experience in software development, preferably in the automotive industry;  - Good skills in programming languages such as C++, Python, or Java;  - Experience with automotive communication protocols (e.g., CAN, LIN, FlexRay) is a plus,  - Used to work with agile development tools, like Codebeamer, Jira, Confluence;  - Excellent communication in English and Polish and teamwork abilities.    We offer:  - Work in one of the world's biggest automotive corporations;  - Employment under an employment contract; - Elaborate salary and bonus system;  - Private health care; - In-house induction scheme; - Training system adapted to employees' competences;  - Availability of preferential conditions for purchasing cars;  - Eligible for the Employee Pension Scheme.   If you are interested, please send your CV.


Web Application Developer - Specialist/Senior Specialist

Orienta Polska
Polska, Śląskie, Poznań - Katowice , ul. Mickiewicza 29 - 40-085 Katowice, Polonia
Technologie/ IT
Katowice , ul. Mickiewicza 29 - 40-085 Katowice, Polonia

Orienta Polska Sp. z o.o. to firma będąca częścią międzynarodowej Grupy Orienta działająca na podstawie wpisu do rejestru agencji zatrudnienia nr 13347. Posiadamy trzydziestoletnie doświadczenia na włoskim rynku pracy, co pozycjonuje nas w czołówce najważniejszych firm specjalizujących się w zarządzaniu zasobami ludzkimi.    Obecnie dla naszego klienta z branży automotive poszukujemy kandydatów na stanowisko:    Web Application Developer - Specialist/Senior Specialist    Lokalizacja: Poznań    Obowiązki:  - Projektowanie, rozwój i utrzymanie oprogramowania do zastosowań motoryzacyjnych;  - Współpraca z inżynierami, architektami systemów i innymi programistami w celu tworzenia zintegrowanych rozwiązań;  - Udział w przeglądach kodu i zapewnienie przestrzegania najlepszych praktyk oraz standardów kodowania;  - Praca zgodna ze standardem ASPICE,  - Rozwiązywanie i usuwanie usterek oprogramowania;  - Śledzenie bieżących trendów w branży i technologii w celu ciągłego doskonalenia naszych ofert oprogramowania.    Wymagania:  - Wykształcenie wyższe - preferowane kierunki: informatyka, software engineering; - Doświadczenie w programowaniu, najlepiej w branży motoryzacyjnej;  - Dobre umiejętności w zakresie rozwoju aplikacji webowych, głównie frontendowych (JavaScript, TypeScript, HTML, CSS);  - Znajomość języków programowania C++, Python lub Bash - mile widziane;  - Doświadczenie w pracy z narzędziami do zarządzania projektami Agile, takimi jak Codebeamer, Jira, Confluence;  - Doświadczenie w testowaniu oprogramowania - mile widziane;  - Doświadczenie w pracy z protokołami komunikacji motoryzacyjnej (np. CAN, LIN, FlexRay) - dodatkowy atut;  - Znajomość j. angielskiego oraz umiejętność pracy zespołowej.    Oferujemy:  - Prace w jednej z największych korporacji motoryzacyjnych na świecie;  - Zatrudnienie na podstawie umowy o pracę;  - Rozbudowany system wynagrodzeń i premii;  - Prywatna opieka zdrowotna;  - Wewnętrzny program wdrożeniowy;  - System szkoleń dostosowany do kompetencji pracowników;  - Pracowniczy program emerytalny.


AWS Software Engineer - Specialist/Senior Specialist

Orienta Polska
Polska, Śląskie, Poznań - Katowice , ul. Mickiewicza 29 - 40-085 Katowice, Polonia
Technologie/ IT
Katowice , ul. Mickiewicza 29 - 40-085 Katowice, Polonia

Orienta Polska Sp. z o.o. is a company that is part of the international Orienta Group, operating based on an entry in the employment agency register no. 13347. We have thirty years of experience in the Italian labor market, which positions us among the leading companies specializing in human resources management.    Currently, for our client in the automotive industry, we are looking for candidates for the position of:    AWS Software Engineer (Specialist/Senior Specialist)    Place of employment: Poznań    Responsibilities:  - Design, implement and maintain cloud-based solutions using AWS services;  - Develop and maintain cloud infrastructure using Infrastructure as Code (IaC) tools such as Terraform or CloudFormation;  - Collaborate with cross-functional and international teams to define, design, and ship new features;  - Optimize cloud applications for performance and cost-efficiency;  - Monitor and troubleshoot cloud infrastructure and applications;  - Ensure security best practices are followed in all cloud deployments;  - Stay up to date with the latest AWS services and best practices.    Requirements:  - Bachelor's degree in computer science, Information Technology, or a related field;  - Excellent communication in English and Polish and teamwork abilities;  - Proven experience as an AWS Software Engineer or similar role;  - Strong knowledge of AWS services such as EC2, S3, RDS, Lambda, and VPC;  - Experience with Infrastructure as Code (IaC) tools like Terraform or CloudFormation;  - Proficiency in programming languages such as Python, Java, or Node.js;  - Familiarity with CI/CD pipelines and tools like Jenkins or GitLab CI; - Excellent problem-solving skills and attention to detail; - Strong communication and teamwork abilities; - AWS Certified Solutions Architect or Developer certification as a plus;  - Experience with containerization technologies like Docker and Kubernetes; - Knowledge of DevOps practices and tools.    We offer:  - Work in one of the world's biggest automotive corporations;  - Employment under an employment contract;  - Elaborate salary and bonus system; - Private health care;  - In-house induction scheme;  - Training system adapted to employees' competences;  - Availability of preferential conditions for purchasing cars;  - Eligible for the Employee Pension Scheme.    If you are interested, please send your CV.
